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 Comment jouer une panther By The Books

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Nombre de messages : 4
Date d'inscription : 24/06/2009

Comment jouer une panther By The Books Empty
MessageSujet: Comment jouer une panther By The Books   Comment jouer une panther By The Books Icon_minitimeVen 10 Juil - 21:55

Role player une panthère "By the Books", FAQ, quotes.

** Qui sont les panthères ?**
** D'où viennent-elles? **
** Comment ont-elles obtenu le nom "Panthers"?
** Que peuvent-elles infliger aux hommes?
** Est-il facile pour les hommes qui ont été attachés par des panthères de se libérer?
** Comment sont-elles organisées? (EN, SE, Scout) **
** Quel type de camp ont-elles?
** De quoi sont constitués leurs échanges, commerce (trade) ? **
** Les panthères peuvent-elles attaquer les cités ou villages ? Si oui, sous quelles conditions, comment font-elles ?**
** Les panthers sont-elles dangereuses pour les hommes, comment se déplacent-elles dans les forêts ?**
** Les panthères sont-elles territoriales? **
** Comment les panthères traitent les esclaves ? **
** Jouer un esclave dans une tribu de panthères ? **
** Une panthère pour joindre une nouvelle tribu, a-t-elle besoin de tuer un des membres pour prendre sa place ?**
** Les panthers font elles des échanges avec les hommes? **
** Mettent-elles en place des pièges pour capturer des hommes ? **
** Les panthers capturées peuvent-elle leurrer leur vainqueur sur leur soumission? Essayent-elles de s'échapper? **
** Leurs armes ?
** Onlineismes **

Qui sont les panthères ?
Ce sont des femmes hors la loi qui vivent dans les forêts, sans hommes (autres que ceux qu'elles peuvent capturer et asservir). Mais elles ne sont pas des femmes sauvages, elles appartenaient à une caste, ont reçu une éducation. Elles chassent, portent des peaux de bête, des bijoux aussi, elles sont décrites comme belles, fières, arrogantes.

Quotes :
Captive of Gor wrote:
"They live in the forest without men," she said, "saving those they enslave, and then sell, when tiring of them. They shave the heads of their male slaves in that fashion to humiliate them. And that, too, is the way they sell them, that all the world may know that they fell slave to females, who then sold them."

Captive of Gor wrote:
"I was nothing with these proud, free, dangerous, brave women, these independent, superb, unfearing, resourceful, fierce felines, panther girls of the northern forests of Gor. They were swift and beautiful and arrogant, like Verna. They were armed, and could protect themselves, and did not need men. They could make male slaves, if they wished, and sell them later, if they were displeased with them or wearied of them. And they could fight with knives and knew the trails and trees of the vast forests. They feared nothing, and needed nothing."

Hunters of Gor wrote:
"She was barbaric, a panther girl, a beauty. She carried a spear. She wore at her belt a sleen knife. She wore the skins of forest panthers, primitive ornaments of beaten gold."

D'où viennent-elles?
Des cités, villages.... Elles se sont affranchies de la tutelle des hommes, de leurs familles en fuyant leur cité pour les forêts. Certaines sont des anciennes esclaves.

Captive of Gor wrote:
"Some were doubtless once slaves," said Ute. "Others were once free women. Perhaps they did not care for matches arranged by their parents. Perhaps they did not care for the ways of their cities with respect to women. Who knows? In many cities a free woman may not even leave her dwelling, without the permission of a male guardian or member of her family." Ute smiled up at me. "In many cities a slave girl is more free to come and go, and be happy, then a free woman."

** Comment ont-elles obtenu le nom "Panthers"?
Captive of Gor wrote:
"Some call them forest girls," said Ute. "Other call them the panther girls, for they dress themselves in the teeth and skins of forest panthers, which they slay with their spears and bows."

** Que peuvent-elles infliger aux hommes?
Il est humiliant pour un honne de se faire capturer par des panthères. Pour que chacune sache qu'un homme a été capturé par des femmes, les panthers lui rasent une bande de cheveux sur le milieu du crâne, allant du front à la nuque. Puis elles le font travailler durement, sans pitié peuvent aussi le violer (attention, pas de godemichet....)

Captive of Gor wrote:
I saw only one slave cage on a barge moving downstream. It contained four or five nude male slaves. They seemed dejected, huddled in their cage. Strangely, a broad swath had been shaven lengthwise on their head. Lana saw this and shrieked out, hooting at them across the river. The men did not even look at us, moving slowly across the current toward Laura.
I looked at Ute.
"That means they are men who were taken by women,"

Captive of Gor wrote:
Then Verna turned away from me, and strode before the men.
How beautiful she was, and proud and fierce, in the brief skins and golden ornaments. She was beautifully figured and she carried herself arrogantly before them, taunting them with her beauty, and spear.
"I am Verna," she told them, "a Panther Girl, of the High Forests. I enslave men, when it pleases me. When I tire of them I sell them." She walked back and forth before them. "You are tarsks and beasts," she told them. "We despise you," she said. "We have outwitted you, and captured you. We have bound you. If we wished, we would take you into the forests and teach you what it is to be a slave!" As she spoke she jabbed at them with her spear, and a stain of blood was brought through the fabric of more than one tunic. "Men!" laughed Verna, contemptuously, and turned away from them.
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Nombre de messages : 4
Date d'inscription : 24/06/2009

Comment jouer une panther By The Books Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Comment jouer une panther By The Books   Comment jouer une panther By The Books Icon_minitimeVen 10 Juil - 21:56


Est-il facile pour les hommes qui ont été attachés par des panthères de se libérer?
Non, être attaché par une panthère est l'équivalent d'être attaché par un homme. Les panthères savent faire des noeuds et des liens solides...

Captive of Gor wrote:
I saw them struggle, but they could not free themselves. They had been bound by Panther Girls.

Comment sont-elles organisées? (EN, SE, Scout)
La En est la cheftesse. La Se est celle qui la seconde, les scouts sont des éclaireuses.

Hunters of Gor wrote:
The panther girl, Sheera, who was leader of this band, sat down in the warm sand.

Hunters of Gor wrote:
"I will be second to Hura," said Mira to Verna, "when her band arrives to command this portion of the forests."

Hunters of Gor wrote:
"You are a scout?" I asked.
"Yes," she said.
"How far are you in advance of your band?" I asked.
"Pasangs," she said.
"What will be thought when you do not return to your band?" I asked.
"Who knows what to think?" she said. "Sometimes a girl does not come back."

Hunters of Gor wrote:
"What was the name of the girl you took in the forest?" asked Verna.
"Grenna," I said.
Verna nodded. "I have heard of her," she said. "She stands high in the band of Hura."

Quel type de camps ont-elles?

Leur camps est rudimentaire. Des huttes, une palissade, un feu de camps... Et dissimulé dans la forêt.

Hunters of Gor wrote:
It consisted of five huts, conical, of woven sapling and thatched, and was surrounded by a small palisade of sharpened saplings. A rough gate, fastened with vines, gave entrance into the camp. In the center of the camp there was a cooking hole, banked with a circle of flat stones. On a wooden spit, set on sticks, grease dropping into the fire and flaming, was a thigh of tabuk.
It smelled good. The smoke, in a thin line, trickled upward into the sky.
The thigh of tabuk was tended by a squatting panther girl, who, from time to time, picked bits of meat from it and thrust them in her mouth. She sucked her fingers clean. Over to one side another girl worked on a slave net, reworking and reknotting the weighted cords.

De quoi sont constitués leurs échanges, commerce (trade) ?
Très variables. Elles vendent fréquemment un captif contre des dentrées et des objets qu'elles ne produisent pas. Cela peutêtre des pointes de flèches en fer, des poignards, des chaînes, des pièges à esclaves, des bonbons aussi car les panthères sont friandes de sucre, mirroirs, bijoux, etc....

Hunters of Gor wrote:
There was little sugar in the forest, save naturally in certain berries, and simple hard candies, such as a child might buy in shops in Ar, of Ko-ro-ba, were, among the panther girls in the remote forests, prized.

It was not unknown that among the bands in the forests, a male might be sold for as little as a handful of such candies. When dealing with men, however, the girls usually demanded, and received, goods of greater value to them, usually knives, arrow points, small spear points; sometimes armlets, and bracelets and necklaces, and mirrors; sometimes slave nets and slave traps, to aid in their hunting’ sometimes slave chains, and manacles, to secure their catches.

Les panthères peuvent-elles attaquer les cités ou villages ? Si oui, sous quelles conditions, comment font-elles ?
Il n'existe pas d'exemple de panthères s'attaquant à une cité, dans les livres. Toutefois, plusieurs scénarios sont plausibles quand une panthère souhaite approcher une cité et y pénétrer.

- Se déguiser pour venir en aide à un membre de la tribu, capturée, lui passer un couteau, faire une petite diversion, ouvrir sa cage, etc. (ça, c'est une adaptation SL, afin de donner des occasions supplémentaires de RP, dans les livres, une panthère capturée est rejetée par sa tribu)

Plausible Scenarios: They would enter the cities in disguise to rescue members of their tribe if they are not submitted truly as slaves (this point is debatable, because panthers will lie thru their teeths to save their lives as will be shown later.) Also,

Hunters of Gor, Revised Edition, Chapter 9 wrote:
"I had little doubt that panther girls, in disguise, perhaps veiled, in Robes of Concealment, or perhaps even as scantily clad, haughty, brazen slave girls, knowing their collars were meaningless, occasionally penetrated towns such as Lydius or Laura."

Les panthers sont-elles dangereuses pour les hommes, comment se déplacent-elles dans les forêts ?
Les hommes représentent un danger pour les panthères. Elles se déplacent avec discrétion dans les forêts pour les surprendre et les capturer, afin de les utiliser comme esclaves, puis de les vendre.

Hunters of Gor wrote:
"It is not uncommon for panther girls to first make contact," said Rim, smiling, "with a hunting arrow in the back."

Hunters of Gor wrote:
Outlaws move well in the forests, moving, like panther girls, with swiftness and stealth, and leaving little trace of their passage.

Hunters of Gor wrote:
"I thought that it was I who was hunting women," said he. "But it was they who were hunting me."

Hunters of Gor wrote:
"She looked at my men, as a man might have looked upon women. "Some of these men," she said, "seem interesting. They are strong and handsome. They would look well in the chains of slaves."
She strode to the opening in the stakes, and there turned again, to face me.
"Be warned," said she. "These are the forests of the panther girls. Leave them!"

Les panthères sont-elles territoriales ?

Oui, et elles considèrent les autres panthères comme des ennemies.

Hunters of Gor wrote:
"Of whose band are you?" I asked.
"Of Hura’s," said she.
"This portion of the forest," I told her, "is the territory of Verna and her band."
"It will be ours," she said.
I withheld the water flask.
"We have more than a hundred girls," she said. "It will be ours."

Hunters of Gor wrote:
"It is said," I said, "that in the band of Hura there are more than a hundred women."
Verna smiled. "We shall pick them off," she said, "one by one, and then, when they flee, we shall again follow them, and drop them one by one. When they turn in the forest and throw down their arms, the last of them, we shall put them in chains and sell them to men." There was bitterness in Verna’s face. "I would see Hura, and her high girls," she said, "sold as slaves to men." She looked at me, and laughed. "Grenna," she said, "is already slave. It is an excellent start."
"You hate them so?" I said.
"Yes," she said.

Comment les panthères traitent les esclaves ?
Durement, car les panthères méprisent les esclaves, plus encore les femmes esclaves qui symbolisent à leurs yeux, ce qu'elles craignent de devenir si elles sont prises et asservies par les hommes. Elles respectent davantage les hommes qui les chassent comme adversaires de valeur.

Captive of Gor wrote:
It seemed they were of a sex, or breed, other than, and superior to my own. Among such women I could be but the object of their scorn, what they despised most, only Kajira. And among them I felt myself to be only Kajira, one fit to be tethered and led, scorned as an insult to the beauty and magnificence of their sex. I was other than, and less than, they.
"Hurry, Kajira!" snapped the girl who dragged in my leash.

Hunters of Gor wrote:
I can understand why it is that such women hate men, but it is less clear to me why they hold such enmity to women. Indeed, they accord more respect to men, who hunt them, and whom they hunt, as worthy foes, than they do to women other than themselves. They regard, it seems, all women, slave or free, as soft, worthless creatures, so unlike themselves."

Jouer un esclave dans une tribu de panthères ?
Un ou une esclave chez les panthères doit se montrer utileé

- Préparer les repas
- préparer le gibier pris, le vider, tanner les peaux
- Coudre
- Faire des réparations (plutôt esclaves mâles)
- Donner l'alerte (pour ne pas être battu(e)
- Peut servir de leurre pour des captures
- Servir les membres de la tribu

La vie d'un esclave dans une tribu tient à son utilité.

Une panthère pour joindre une nouvelle tribu, a-t-elle besoin de tuer un des membres pour prendre sa place ?

Non, la quote concernant cette idée est celle où Verna propose à Elinor, une esclave qui souhaite joindre la tribu, de se battre au couteau contre un des membres pour prendre sa place. Mais le but de Verna est simplement de démontrer à Elinor qu'elle n'aura pas assez de cran pour cela, car elle est en fait, totalement esclave.

Si cela était appliqué habituellement dans une tribu, Hura n'uarait jamais pu réunir une bande de 100 panthères....

Les panthers font elles des échanges avec les hommes?
Oui, il existe dans les forêts, facilement accessibles, des points de trade oû les panthères, les marchands des cités, les chasseurs et les hors la loi qui vivent dans les forêts, s'adonnent à des échanges divers et variés, aussi bien des captifs et captives que des objets.

Hunters of Gor wrote:
"The panther girl, Sheera, who was leader of this band, sat down in the warm sand.
'Let us bargain,' she said. She sat cross-legged, like a man. Her girls formed a semi-circle behind her.
Sheera was a strong, black-haired wench, with a necklace of claws and golden chains wrapped about her neck. There were twisted golden armiets on her bronzed arms. About her left ankle, threaded, was an anklet of shells. At her belt she wore a knife sheath. The knife was in her hand, and, as she spoke, she played with it, and drew in the sand. ...

Mettent-elles en place des pièges pour capturer des hommes ?
Oui bien sûr, les panthères recourent énormément à toutes formes de ruses.

Hunters of Gor wrote:
"More than once," she said, "we have used out camp as a slave trap."

Les panthers capturées peuvent-elle leurrer leur vainqueur sur leur soumission? Essayent-elles de s'échapper?
Oui oui oui, tous les moyens sont bons, Verna tente elle-même de tromper Marlenus qui l'a capturée, en se comportant comme une esclave, avec docilité.

Hunters of Gor wrote:
"She will attempt to escape tonight," said Marlenus.
I regarded him, puzzled.
"Surely, together," he smiled, "we have motivated such an attempt?"
It was true. I doubted that Verna, unless conquered, would willingly endure another examination of the sort to which we had casually subjected her this evening, the rather detailed appraisal of a slave girl by masters.
"Did you note," asked Marlenus, "how deferentially she served us the last cup of wine?"
I smiled. "Yes," I said. "It was served almost as if a slave girl served it."
"It was her attempt," said Marlenus, "to pretend to be a slave. She served it as she thinks slave girls serve." He smiled. "Later," he said, "when she knows herself owned, she will serve, and naturally, as a slave girl serves."
<... snip ...>
"She attempted to serve as a slave," said Marlenus, "to put us off our guard."
"Then you think," I asked, "that tonight she will attempt an escape?"
"Of course," said Marlenus. "And I expect that by now she has left the camp."

Leurs armes ?

Les panthères utilisent des arcs, des lances, des couteaux, dagues, poignards.
Elles n'utilisent jamais d'épée ni d'arbalète.
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Comment jouer une panther By The Books
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